We use 98% biodynamic natural ingredients combined with clean lab-made ingredients for the perfect balance of efficiency and gentleness.
Our ingredients selection is aligned with our mission. We don’t follow skincare trends and we don’t have a golden ingredient rule.
We carefully select ingredients that extend the function of the skin and solve your immediate concerns while increasing your skin’s overall fitness.

Water, vital to skin and skincare performance
Skin, the largest organ on the human body, is made of 64% water.
Water accounts for up to 70% of water-based skincare formulas, making it the most important ingredient in the formula.
Tap water or demineralised water (dead water), which are used in most skincare formulations, are not the best fit for melanin-rich skin.
We use pure vitalised water with all its minerals and nutrients intact. Scientifically ‘alive,’ this water actively and energetically charges skincell metabolism, treating dullness, dehydration, and improving skin barrier function.
And, pure vitalized water improves the efficacy of our ingredients by allowing them to penetrate deeper into your skin.

Higher percentage-actives concentration does not equal to high performance
The latest skincare industry trend is the use of highly concentrated active ingredients in products, with many brands trumpeting these ingredient concentrations as a cure-all for all skin.
From our research, we see this as further proof that the skincare industry doesn’t factor in the uniqueness of melanin-rich skin because they haven’t done the research.
These concentrated formulas are often tested for tolerance on white skin only, which reacts differently than darker skin to trauma and irritation.
To be clear, high percentage active ingredients can be used and have efficacy for all phototype I—VI skin, but under professional supervision only.
Unsupervised, these highly concentrated active ingredients often trigger flare ups, creating inflammation that prompts the powerful melanin-producing melanocytes to go into overproduction to protect the traumatised skin. That process, for darker skin, supercharges hyperpigmentation.
We believe that a variety of melanin skin-loving and science-backed ingredients in a well-balanced formula is the best approach to avoid skin backlash and create longlasting results.
Banned until proven 100% harmless
Our approach to ingredient selection is simple: We say no to any ingredient that doesn’t fully respect and support the overall health and vitality of your melanin-rich skin and our planet.
We even ban ingredients only suspected of being skin offenders, until thorough research has cleared them. That these same suspects are often widely used by the industry doesn’t sway us.
Clean, caring and responsible beauty is no longer an option
With our planet under assault and environment in peril and the cry for social justice growing louder all over the world, we do our part by creating respectful products with ingredients that do no harm, not to you and not to our planet.